Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Use Apple Magic Mouse With Blender

Magic mouse doesn't have the middle button, so this can be problematic to navigate in Blender.  To alleviate this, download "BetterTouchTool" if you haven't already.  This is a really nifty program that allows you to program your Magic Mouse to your liking.  In my case, I want the middle click on the Magic Mouse to act as the middle button, and I only want this functionality specific for Blender, what I do is to add Blender as to the left panel (App Specific) and choose "Single Finger Middle Click" for "Magic Mouse Gesture" and "Middleclick" for the the "Predefined Action."  That's it.  Problem solved.


  1. I would like to do the same on windows 7 (I'm using CAD softs non-existant on mac).

    Any idea?


  2. No idea. Sorry. Sorry for the late response also. I didn't see your comment :)

  3. works well, thanks for the tip. Was just about to fetch the trusty old scroll wheel mouse
